Friday, August 30, 2013

Second Scotty added to the fold; a 58 "repro" Scotty Junior teardrop!

Photos, from top down: Builder Tom Scott stands beside his just-finished gem; rear-galley opened to show storage space for camping gear; front cabinets are nice addition to the interior; view of center of sleeping area, with nice cabinets in rear (not pictured); the Scotty body, during Tom's building of the trailer.
Who would have thought it, but, in midst for planning a June/July trip east (for a bicycle ride of the Gettysburg battlefield and the path of Lee's retreat, with side trip into Washington, DC), I discovered on eBay the coolest little Scotty.

A "repro" 1958 Scotty Junior teardrop, built by Tom Scott, a W. VA. shop teacher in 2011, it looked too good to resist. So, I contacted Tom, asked if he would hold it for a month, paid half down, and picked it up on the way to Gettysburg in mid-June.

We then towed it along as the "sag vehicle" on our bike ride, then to New York City/Long Island, and back across the country with stops in the Badlands, Yellowstone, Grand Tetons and more. A lovely little trailer, very well made, and tows easily behind our five-speed 2013 Ford Focus Hatchback, acquired just for that purpose (26 MPG certainly beats the 8-10 MPG that most giant pickups get towing their over-sized fifth-wheels)!

Enjoy the photos; builder Tom Scott started with a Scotty torsion axle and two Scotty hubcaps, and built all the rest, working from a couple photos. Happy to have it; we have several trips planned in September and early October, then I will get back to the 1964 Scotty Sportsman, sitting forelornly in my garage!