Sunday, September 30, 2012

Body work and interior come!

Body work:  I've owned our Scotty long enough to hear many owners say that dings and dents are "beauty marks", but I don't like that logic.  Our Scotty has a couple of nasty dents, on the left side, and two deep dents on the front.  So, am contemplating what to do.  If I pull the sheet aluminum off during the rebuild, I could press/hammer those dents out, to some extent, and then exercise my long-dormant "bondo skills", honed during a youth of patching old Fords in Ohio 40-some years ago.  Here is what those "beauty marks" look like, at present (and, yes, that is a hole in the front aluminum skin, above the dent - don't know how that happened):
Interior work: Hopefully, in a few months, I will have this trailer fairly well rebuilt, and the dents trimmed out, and am readying for a good paint job.  We will preserve the Scotty "white under teal" paint job on the exterior; hence, I must get Susan thinking of the interior decorating scheme.  One of the biggest expenses will be new cushion upholstery, both for the front dinette and rear Gaucho bed.  So, colors for upholstered cushions, for refinished cabinets, walls and other trim will soon be a choice we have to lock into.  Below are a couple photos of other Scottys, done nicely. These are my inspiration, and while I love the red/black/white one, we will likely stick with white/teal combo:

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